When you look at these two pistols, it seems that there would be a massive difference between the Sig P229 and the Tristar C100. However, there are a good amount of things that these pistols have in common. In this article, I am going to dig into some of these differences based off my experiences with both. I have a similar amount of rounds through both, so I think it is a relatively fair comparison.
Beretta is a trusted name in the firearms community. Whether people like it or not, Beretta has a proven track record for developing strong, reliable, and innovative weapons that stand the test of time. Even today, the 92 series of pistols are still regarded as one of the strongest and best pistols on the market. But how does the old design of the 96A1 stack up to the new design of the PX4 Storm? Both of these pistols have seen use in a Law Enforcement capacity, and they are both in .40 caliber. So which one is best, and which one is the best one for the .40 caliber cartridge?
I can't tell you how many times I have heard people say this to justify their crappy pistol or caliber choice. You know, so they can admit defeat but try to bring you down with them by trying to get you to think you are all in the same crappy situation. This doesn't fly for me for several reasons, and I hope a little logic will cause you to agree.
January 2025