When I first started getting into the world of bullpup rifles, I was looking at the Steyr AUG but wasn't sure that it fit all my needs. The magazines were expensive and hard to come by, and the rifle was not well reviewed by those who already had a bias against bullpups. It is hard to find credible and knowledgeable reviews on bullpups anyways since few people understand the platform. However, I have found that the criticism is solely around this illusion that speed is the key to everything and intuitive function comes second to thinking lightning fast makes up for shortcomings of the more popular rifle designs. Anyways, I wanted to give an update on my experience with the Steyr AUG NATO and some of the changes I have made in how I run it and its function while shooting.
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Click here for the video of testing.
The Remington Ultimate Defense is quite obviously a repackaged Golden Saber. What many people don't know is that there were minor improvements to the Goldensaber design in the form of altering the led in order to get it to the right ratio for the desired results to be consistent through a variety of velocities/barrel lengths. In many of the videos on YouTube, you might notice that the reviewers lay their MRE contents out on a tray as if it is to be a cafeteria meal instead of a field ration. This is quite odd considering that many of these folks actually have used them in the field in the military. My goal is to discuss how you will typically find yourself using an MRE when you use it in the field like in the military. Before I write about this, I think we should start with a bit of a backstory on the history of how the MRE came to be.
There is a new pistol coming to the market in late 2018 known as the Lionheart Regulus. This is actually a series of pistols with customizable options like frame and slide sizes, sights, different color frames and barrels, etc. This pistol is not by any means meant to compete with low cost pistols from Ruger or Taurus, but rather to go in line with high end options on the market like Wilson Combat, Zev, and others..
In the modern gun world, the evolution of pistols has reached extremes incredibly fast. Todays' generation of shooters have judged pistols like the Sig P239 to be outdated. Merit, history, and capabilities seem to have been pushed aside in favor of capacity and size, as well as weight. It is a generation of extremes that I was a part of for years. Only through experience did I have a realization that perhaps I should question the validity of these views.
February 2025