The current method of providing block-style firearms training (8 hours straight) is absolutely unique in that it is the only martial skill that is taught in block training and then left to the end user to figure out the rest. Any other sport or art is taught for at least an hour a day for several days a week. Shooting is definitely, if not more, physically demanding as any other martial art or sport. Whether in self-defense or competition, the shooter must perform several fine motor skills to achieve a desired result within the shortest time possible. The pressure of meeting a time standard in competition is still going to cause a release of adrenaline, though the stakes are in winning a prize vs preserving life. I believe that firearms training can be done in a scalable and adaptive manner, much like Krav Maga.
I am sure that every one of us has been told to focus on the front sight in order to get an accurate shot off. Unfortunately, this is a concept that was misapplied and misinterpreted for decades. Imagine if you were told to focus and stare at the front of your vehicle while travelling a hundred miles per hour while the rest of the world is completely blurry. This is practically the same thing, especially when people recommend this technique for combat shooting where your threat and you are both moving.
January 2025