Pistols that come out of Turkey are one of my newest lusts and interests. There are several reasons for this and I look forward to revealing these reasons. Also, I would like to look at the pistols I have had experience with and explain why I feel they are worthy candidates for a spot in your safe.
When .40 caliber first came out, it was apparently the coolest thing since sliced bread. It was powerful, offered a new type of effectiveness on a human threat that could not be matched well by other calibers, and Law Enforcement was jumping to it all over the place. Lately, people have started abandoning the caliber in favor of the 9mm for perceived improvements in bullet performance and technology. I will refrain from talking about caliber and getting into the debate on performance and such. My focus here will be whether the .40 caliber is a suitable round for combat or if the world got it right with the 9mm.
The roller-delayed blowback system is not complex in general, but it does require a very specific manual of arms. It is simple and universal in technique, but it has to be done the right way in order to be fluid. Now, you may never get as fast with it as you would with other weapons that have bolts that lock back on the last shot, but you will be smooth and be able to do it naturally without having to look at your gun while operating it. Practice and really forcing the rifle around is the best way to go, in my experience.
There is alot of hate put on the less expensive Turkish pistols on the market. In alot of peoples minds, time is money and that means that the more expensive a pistol is, the better quality that it must be. This is hardly the case. Paying hundreds and even thousands of dollars doesn't automatically translate to high quality. Reliable is reliable, and just paying more does not translate to more than 100% reliability or even longer life. Most of the time when you look at it, you end up paying for features and you sacrifice in other areas. However, Turkish pistols like the SAR CM9 Gen2 seem to have a bit of all the features people want, but without the hefty price tag. They aren't perfect but they work well and they get the job done.
The SCCY CPX-2 is a popular pistol in the lower price range. For 200 bucks, people are able to snatch one of these babies. SCCY makes alot of these guns in house in Florida. They constantly upgrade the components to improve durability, reliability, and quality control. But the question today is if this pistol is the best gun for your money as alot of people have felt?
January 2025