When most people encounter any amount of endured suffering, they talk themselves into quitting. Getting people to commit to something as simple as a workout schedule or consistently maintain a specific diet is virtually impossible, even if it is for their benefit. This is why people who make it through selections (Special Forces/SWAT) and tough schools (Ranger School) are so few in number. I believe that each of these organizations and schools can teach us how to suffer well and perform at our best.
“He is best that is trained in the severest school” -Thucydides New Zealand is a small country and yet their SAS regiment has to maintain the capabilities and lethality of their larger commonwealth SAS peers in Australia and Britain, to the point of seamless integration on joint operations. For this reason, I have been greatly inspired by the NZSAS, specifically their selection and training, for its high demands for constant performance. Though the NZSAS is closely modelled operationally off the British counterpart, their selections are different. Joe Hotai, who went through both the NZ (10 days + 9 Months) and Australian (3 weeks + 16 Months) SAS selections, NZSAS was much harder. All the information I am about to share is generalized for the sake of brevity, but there is more detail on msigwarrior.com or YouTube.
January 2025