If there was one book that I could name as the best book to educate experienced shooters on their pistol-craft, it would be this book. This book is all about how one can go about using a pistol in order to survive in combat. This book clearly states that it is for the experienced shooters looking to up their game with a pistol in a serious way through expanding their knowledge. The idea behind the book is that the author sees CQB with a pistol as a science, and he does a great job of educating the reader on this fine science.
When it comes to being able to shoot, it is nice to be able to stand there and put your rounds on target when you need to. However, your ability to apply effective marksmanship while using cover and after quick movement in or out of different shooting positions is even better. This is a real test of a shooters' agility and discipline. The SAS developed this test decades ago and ended up sharing it with the author of the book 'Rattenkrieg' where it was well described, as well as many other tests and drills for aspiring shooters. This is a test for those who dare to put their body and ego to the test.
The idea of the bullpup sounds nice on paper, but is hardly easy to carry out in practice in terms of making one reliable and completely accepted. Bullpup rifles often get a bad reputation due to a few perceived disadvantages displayed by certain bullpup designs used in history, and even today. I am going to look at a few bullpup designs to understand why people often feel that the bullpup has no place in a modern military or battlefield with current rifle fighting techniques.
It is all too common for people to claim that steel cased ammo is junk or is BAD for your pistol. People tend to phrase it in such a way as if their gun needs to be on some diet or it will get fat and useless. I have used steel cased ammunition for my pistols for years. I have had several firearms where there were at least 10K rounds of steel cased ammo put through them with no issues. In this article, my goal is to break down some of the claims made and also try to explain what steel cases do when a round is fired.
January 2025