It may come as a surprise when I tell you that I am an avid reader. I gain a whole lot of inspiration from books, and my book collection has now overrun my bookshelf space. I download Kindle books when printed options aren’t available, but I find printed books to be my favorite method of reading. With that said, one of the largest genres in my collection is history. History is a very big genre because it encompasses everything that happened before right now. That means we will always have things to capture, record, and study in future generations.
Recently, there was a video posted to YouTube by the channel Invicta that has raised supporting rationale and historical evidence that show that the belief that Sparta was nothing but a band of war-faring fighters is nothing but an example of the most successful propaganda campaign in history. Let us go over some of the claims that historically don’t match up to scrutiny.
On my blog and on my channel, I started out just looking at gear and doing discussions on related topics. This chapter I am going to be starting has to do with guns and gear, but in a way that provides a big picture. I have always enjoyed war history. The fighting we have done since the beginning of our existence can tell us alot about how to avoid the same mistakes. In war, there are so many variables that have an effect on the outcome. I am hoping to dive into a few examples of what kind of things can determine an outcome.
January 2025