Though it is only December, I feel that the activities of 2017 are pretty much done for. I have bought all the pistols I am going to buy and the incoming gear has slowed to a dramatically light trickle. This is all well and good though, because I feel myself getting exhausted of ideas and now it is just a waiting game for SHOT show 2018. Overall, I would classify 2017 as the year of the pistol. Most of my time was spent perfecting my pistol shooting skills and explaining to the audience as I journeyed through my research on how to make shooting a pistol easier for new shooters. I will also say that through the course of this year, I had my mind opened about a few things. First thing I realized was that I really admire the durability and performance that you can get from firearms made in Turkey. With a little research, you will quickly find out how high the standards are for some of the firearm manufacturers. The reason is because, since civilians in Turkey are not the center of consideration, the firearms are catered to the Ministry of Defense expectations in construction and performance. Very cool to see how high the standards of Turkish firearms are considering how small their country is. The next thing I realized this year is that budget guns are terribly misunderstood and really unappreciated. It did not take me long to realize that every gun, no matter how inexpensive, has a purpose. Many of these less expensive firearms are not designed to be used daily, but are designed to be good enough for the average shooter that just wants a piece on them for peace of mind. These companies are actually answering the needs of the market by providing a firearm that is affordable and reliable. The components are usually good quality in these guns, but are strained due to them being tasked with enduring harsh beatings during the firing sequence. A good example of this is the SCCY pistols, or the Keltec designs. They are lightweight, have very few parts, but they are small and tend to beat the hell out of themselves when you shoot them. As long as you realize these pistols are only capable of so much without stepping outside of their size, weight, and price point, you should be good to go and confident in it. The last thing that I can say about this year is that I found a new method for teaching that could revolutionize how new shooters are taught. I have found, through working with many different people, that the traditional method of learning to shoot a pistol basically teaches you to anticipate recoil before you even learn how to properly pull the trigger. But to make it worse, you are trying to make new shooters into snipers with pistols before they can even put rounds on target with confidence. This is wrong. See, people learn through experience and teaching them to do things in process is the best way I have ever seen to teach people and improve performance quickly. With any luck, I can continue to expand on this and make some videos on what I am talking about. Perhaps I could even influence a little change, or at least a shift in how the market sees teaching. We should use the human brain to learn how to teach instead of just blindly following something and making excuses like a faithful religious zealot. So with all this to wrap up 2017, I am hoping that 2018 fruits some pretty great things for us. We shall see. As I said earlier, SHOT show will be the start of the year and I am sure I will be flooded with firearms and gear to keep me occupied and busy. Let's hope so. I enjoy what I do, and I only hope that I can continue providing somewhat decent content and information for my audience. As always, your input is greatly appreciated, as with feedback on how I can improve. Thank you, as always.
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February 2025