If someone would have said a year ago that I should consider a less-lethal option for carry, I probably would have laughed at them. My recent attendance at the Covered 6 Security Academy changed a lot of my preconceived notions about CEWs (Conductive Energy Weapon) and use of force in general as a civilian. In this article, I am just going to discuss the concept of carrying a CEW, such as a TASER Pulse+ and why it can be a good option. In this article, the acronym CEW is used to discuss any weapon that uses projectiles to deliver electricity to incapacitate an attacker. This is different from a stun gun which relies on an attacker voluntarily discontinuing their attack and requires you to make contact with them. Stun guns are still classified under the law as a CEW, but for the purposes of this article, I am putting stun guns into their own category under the name “stun gun” to make it easier for readers to understand which CEW I am discussing. Some people just say TASER to label any CEW that uses projectiles, but this is technically incorrect. TASER is a brand name, not a generic label like pepper spray, baton, etc. Not all CEWs are Tasers, but all TASERs are CEWs. For you gun geeks out there, it is like calling every 1911 a Colt 45. Not all 1911s are Colts and not all Colts are 1911s THE EYES OF THE LAW I am not an attorney or a law professional. I have to say this before starting this section because many people may try to replace local legal counsel with stuff they read on the internet, like this article. This article is not a substitute or replacement for true legal representation and advice. So don’t be an idiot and end your research/search for knowledge with an internet browse. I am sorry that I even need to write about courts and laws, but it is so horribly neglected these days, so please read and heed. Also, this section is when I am lumping stun guns and TASER-like CEWs together. A CEW is categorized as a less-lethal tool, but you can’t just buy one and carry it. CEWs are still weapons, so if your state requires a concealed carry permit to carry a firearm, you will need that permit to carry one. If you are in a Constitutional Carry state, this won’t matter for you and you are free to carry on…. pun intended. There are a couple of places in the US where they are prohibited altogether, so know your local laws before starting down this path. This goes for all less-lethal options to include batons and pepper sprays. The law can bring you freedom or take it away if you do not follow it while still preserving life. When used properly, a CEW is categorized as “less-lethal force” while using a firearm is pretty much universally considered “deadly force”. However, a CEW is capable of deadly force (“Force that is capable of causing PERMANENT INJURY and/or death”) if not used correctly. The Officers who beat Rodney King with their batons (A less-lethal tool) were using deadly force in the eyes of the law because they were not using the batons as they were trained to, and it resulted in broken bones and brain damage that affected Rodney King for the rest of his life. BUT THE POLICE USE IT I know a number of people out there who want to use what Police use such as their guns, ammo, and even tools like a baton or pepper spray. There is nothing wrong with this, but keep in mind that in a criminal court, it won't sound good to say “well the Police use it, so I figured it was good enough for me”. Using a baton improperly and without any training will simply be classified as using a blunt force object in a court of law. The distinguishable difference is that Police are trained to use the tools on their belt in a manner that will assist them in affecting an arrest, not break contact and merely stop a threat. But do not get the impression that Peace Officers can use these tools however they wish. Each use of force is investigated and scrutinized based on that Officers training, department policy, and state and local laws. If a Peace Officer uses a tool or their authority improperly, recent events have shown that they too can be held legally liable just like anyone else. Many times they are sued in civil court even if they do their job right. But the point is that you are not a Law Enforcement officer and you shouldn’t think that you need a CEW, baton, or pepper spray just because Law Enforcement Officers use it. However, when people see that a piece of gear Police have been using works, such as the TASER CEW, I totally understand looking to see if they can add that concept into their self defense toolbox. The only issue is getting training for it and adapting it for your specific needs. JUDGED BY TWELVE A lot of us who carry a firearm need to be periodically reminded of the consequences of taking a human life, regardless of whether it was/is justified. I know the old saying “better to be judged by twelve than carried by six” is probably in your head right now. I guarantee you that a year or two in legal fees and jail time on your permanent record just to find out that you were justified in a criminal court will be darn near equivalent to being carried by 6. Kyle Rittenhouse for example had been attacked and was obviously justified in his use of deadly force. Hell, it was his God-given right to protect his life, but he still spent a long time in jail and had to pay loads of money for attorneys just to perform the dog and pony show for a jury. All the while, his character was nationally shredded by the media, had his family threatened constantly, and he will most likely never be able to live a safe and normal life again. Just remember that first before you get an illusion that your rights and virtues are going to stand in the way of a litigious society. Oh, and let’s not forget about the most damaging courts that few think about. Civil court and the court of public opinion. You may beat or even avoid criminal court, but the real hurt is in civil court where the burden of proof is much lower than in criminal court and hurt feelings have a price tag. Wonder what saying people have for civil court where criminals make their millions…Better to be destroyed and broke than free? How about the court of public opinion that caused George Zimmerman to have to take his family and go into hiding? What do you think Kyle Rittenhouse and his family are facing? Thanks to our interconnected society where anyone who can fog a window thinks they know everything, the world will Monday morning quarterback everything. God forbid they find out that you fart because you will be labelled as a biological threat to the community too. In all seriousness, killing someone can effectively ruin your life and you may never know privacy, dignity, and true freedom again. I am not trying to talk anyone out of using a firearm for self-defense or tout the superiority of a CEW for easing court cases. I am merely trying to remind my fellow lead slingers that they need to understand what they may face. People seem to love spending money on training, and that is great. But it is unfortunate that the training does not also include a primer on local laws to discuss criminal consequences for using of a firearm, whether you were right to use one or not. BAD PRESS CEWs have a hit or miss reputation with Law Enforcement Officers. Some Officers say they are useless and always fail to stop people. However, in the great majority of the failed deployments, it has been found to be an issue of user error. Either a barb missed, the Officer deployed it too close, or the Officer aimed in the wrong area and did not follow through. Many times, the TASER is seen as a crutch for younger Officers who are not too confident in going hands-on or in pulling their firearm for the fear of the legal ramifications from using those two types of use of force options. However, I know of plenty of Officers who have used their CEWs effectively in multiple use of force situations with no issue. But there are also scenarios that did not play out well, such as when a student doused himself with gas and the CEW shot by a Peace Officer set him alight. However, these bad examples of failures are in the minority and should highlight the need for us civilians to pursue more training so we do not have the same failures. THE MORAL ISSUE Aside from all the legal intimidation, some people feel that they would not be able to take a life, even if their life was threatened. This is a big deal for someone to realize and there is nothing wrong with that. These people often want to get a CEW because they feel it will deliver the desired effect of stopping an attacker without causing permanent injury. A CEW is a good option, but the question I have is whether these people would be able to muster the strength and courage to go hands-on if they fail to get the desired result. Something to think about for sure. If the CEW deployment fails for any reason, the user may have to go to another use of force option to stop the attacker. Something for everyone considering a CEW to consider. GET GOOD TRAINING In my Academy training, I found the CEW to be a better less-lethal option, when used properly, than OC or a baton. I say “properly” because a CEW requires the user to do some things properly in order to achieve the desired result. This is no different from a firearm requiring the user to put the rounds in the right place in order to “stop the threat”. Axon teaches civilians around the country how to use a CEW, and I recommend it just as strongly as I recommend getting firearms training. I also recommend that you do the voluntary exposure in order to get experience from the receiving end. It is a rare opportunity for you to personally see how effective a CEW can be. THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB The CEW is the only less-lethal weapon system that does not rely on pain compliance to stop an attacker. It can lock the body up and render an attacker incapable of voluntary movement, effectively stopping them in their tracks. It can be effective, but it cannot replace other forms of defense such as a firearm or hands-on defensive tactics. Every situation needs a different tool, and thinking one tool will work universally is flawed. In order for a CEW to work as desired, you may have to get uncomfortably close to an attacker. The system works on probe spread and has a limited range. However, as long as at least one barb gets into the attacker, you can always follow through and extend or complete the arc in order to complete the circuit and get a lockup. However, this means you have to stay there for the duration of the arc time because as soon as the arc stops, the person regains full use of their body and can resume the attack. This is why practicing with the CEW is important too so you can get better at judging distance and what the probe spread will be. Also keep in mind that wolves travel in packs these days and a CEW only has one shot. A firearm will work at close and longer range, which makes it more versatile. However, a firearm is only for deadly force, so when you pull it as a citizen, it better be for a good reason. Though a firearm is more versatile in terms of range, it is absolutely dependent on you placing each shot into the attacker(s), which relies on your constant diligent practice. Also, even if you get good center of mass hits and the heart blows up, the attacker is still capable of fighting until their blood pressure drops or they are hit in the spine/brain stem. This takes time, and usually deadly force situations are situations where you are limited on time. This means you will need to create distance and time. Distance is a key factor here because you don’t want to turn a deadly force scenario into a wrestling match over a gun. In some cases, you may find yourself unarmed and having to defend yourself from another unarmed attacker. When going hands-on with someone, you may face someone more experienced, skilled, or just stronger and faster than you. This can be a problem if you were leaning on the idea that having a gun will help you solve a fistfight. This makes training in unarmed fighting more important so you can avoid going to the ground and losing, because losing can mean more than just losing the fight. I would recommend seeking training in Krav Maga or similar fighting discipline that does not require you going to the ground with your attacker. The ground is where you lose because you are alone and the attacker likely has friends waiting to put some craters in your head. There is no perfect tool for every self-defense situation out there. Having a gun, a knife, a CEW, or even a black belt in ass kicking doesn’t mean much. Knowing when and where they can be applied, along with having a good understanding of your own capabilities and limits is where the real value is. Don’t be myopic and narrow-minded when it comes to tools for self-defense. The best tool for self-defense is using your brain and your senses. Don’t put yourself in that bad situation to begin with and don’t let your ego draw you into that bad situation. CLOSING I am very confident in my ability to engage an attacker with my CEW, but I have in no way replaced my pistols with a CEW. I simply find that my CEW works for the area I live in and the threats I face, which are typically solo attackers with a lot of pre-event indicators. If I have to travel outside my local area, I am going to carry a CEW in addition to my pistol. For most people, having a CEW alone would be more than enough to protect them and should not be overlooked. Not every situation needs a gun, but not all situations can be solved with a CEW. Get training, weigh the options based on your own threat assessment, and then live with your judgement call. Your life, your rules.
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February 2025