I want to quickly look over the Girsan Regard. This one is the railed version, which just became available through Zenith. You can expect to pay about $420 for this pistol. It comes with three magazines, a cleaning kit, and other standard items found in gun boxes nowadays. Just so you know, this is not necessarily going to be a review, but a quick look at this pistol. Now with that aside, let us move on to the next subject. There are many people out there who have made it clear and public that they have zero intention to buy any guns from Turkey because of this and that political thing. Here is how I see it: To boycott an independent firearms manufacturer because of the native countries politics would basically make you a complete hypocrite no matter what gun you bought. Every country in the world is shrouded in bad politics. Politics is not about being nice and good to one another. That said, if you were to apply that logic and reasoning elsewhere, you should say that you will never buy American because you hated Jimmy Carter or you are angry about something Obama did or didn't do. Even though there is no relation, you punish the product with boycott. Logical? NOPE! Now let us move on back to the main subject The Girsan Regard is obviously a copy of the Beretta, but at the same time, it separates itself just a tad. The grip is obviously different, but the locking block also inherited a bit of a change. You see, Girsan is a company that has earned a reputation for taking awesome designs from around the world and reverse engineering them into bad ass platforms. For me, after 1000 rounds of NATO ammo, the pistol has become a smooth handling firearm. Now do not let the fact that it is a copy make you believe that NATO ammo is harmful to the platform as it is for our more domesticated pistols. This pistol is based off the concept that it will only be using full powered NATO spec ammunition. That means that the platform is very tough and that SAAMI spec ammunition is going to be childsplay for this pistol. I foresee this pistol lasting longer than the Beretta pistol that it is based off of. The springs on the Girsan Regard seem to be stronger and hold tension much longer, and that is something I found to be a constant among other Girsan firearms. Girsan seems to be very diligent about making their firearms top tier with an emphasis on durability and longevity. Oh, and did I mention that all the components in the Regard are steel? Yup, it it a bit of a departure from the Beretta in that sense. Now I do not believe that this pistol is perfect. I feel that the biggest flaw of this pistol is that Girsan did not see the frame mounted decocker/safety as a disadvantage. I wish they would have only manufactured the pistol with a decocker only safety. That, in my opinion, would have made this pistol darn near perfect for what it was trying to accomplish.
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February 2025