The events of the last decade have sparked a growing interest in preparedness against everything from common crime to tyrannical government action. America is undoubtedly crumbling as the Roman Empire did, and there is a fear that people are going to be alone and have to fend for themselves. On the other hand, there are those out there that believe in and are promoting the Minuteman concept. The idea is to “Be Ready” at a moment’s notice to throw on your war belt and assemble into an irregular defense force of sorts. Feel free to leave a comment and your input. MINUTEMAN MENTALITY I have noticed that the mentality of many self-proclaimed Minutemen is that they will have a team of armed problem solvers in their neighborhood/community that will rise to the occasion at a moment’s notice. These good old average Joes will “break glass” and defend their little slice of heaven against evil. The idea is based in good intentions, but with a clear lack of defined goals and boundaries. Rarely have I heard clear objectives or conditions of deployment that are both legally and/or morally sound. I understand where the minuteman mentality comes from. It comes from a point of fear and an attempt to prevent violence with a threat of violence. Obviously, the idea is things are going to be so bad that you have to be prepared to fight for yourself at a moment’s notice. Got it, but that does not mean being fully kitted out is the best course of action. But hey, it sounds cool to some and makes people feel like a hero when they feel that plate carrier weighing down their torso, so why not? Being all kitted up is just the equivalent to open carrying. The excuse is being ready, but at the detriment of not only being an obvious target, but more importantly influencing the court of public opinion. Open carry is generally done by those who lack training and confidence in themselves and their environment. But hey, you do you. I’m more into being the silent guardian. RECENT EXAMPLES During the riots of 2020 and 2021, some militias and good old armed civilians went out to guard businesses and streets and mostly had a deterring effect. Then you have the Rittenhouse situation and even the Koreans in the LA Riots. Many point out these events as some kind of holy example of success against an armed mob. My problem with these examples is that most of these examples of armed deterrence or engagement resulted in the “good guys” facing jail time and having to answer for killing even in obvious self-defense. Let us be clear that the use of deadly force to protect property is illegal in virtually every state, regardless of the scenario. Even if your local PD is enabling the mob through inaction, an armed response, up to and including deadly force is still going to land you a prison sentence. Let’s not pretend that you are LIVING after a judge awards the family of the criminal(s) you hurt/killed everything you own plus 50% of your earnings for 20 years. You may win in criminal court because it was self-defense, but you and your entire family will be bent over and screwed for life in civil court. Not to mention that you will most likely have to go into hiding. The current political climate has boldly shown that it has the backs of criminals and if your goal is to look after your family, then perhaps it would be wise to consider the effects your choices will have on them and their future. PHYSICAL NEGLECT Most Americans these days seem to think that not having food and water available at all hours of the day is a recipe for instant death. Not to mention most of these people have rarely had to go without the common amenities they currently enjoy, and their physique illustrates this clearly. Staying alive and functioning in armed conflict demands a level of fitness that 99% of self-proclaimed minutemen do not possess. What comes to mind is that these individuals have a very blurred understanding of armed conflict and what it is like. That is fine, but when push comes to shove, most of people find that going to the gym or doing their standard military PT did next to zilch to help them physically prepare for armed conflict. Combat conditioning is nothing less than a scientifically based art in my opinion. Even if things get bad, you are going to spend more energy doing menial tasks every day and very little of that time is going to be spent in firefights. Historically we know that armed conflict has long periods of downtime and vigilance and short periods of high intensity fighting that requires immediate action without a warmup for your rested body. That is just the nature of the beast. But let’s just look at preparing for the short-term conflict. In my experience, the physical qualities one must have to succeed in armed conflict are (in order of priority):
Being able to bench press 400lbs does nothing to make you capable of standing at the ready for days without sleep and very little food, water, etc. Perhaps you need to work on your endurance and ability to go with little to no food and water despite putting demands on your body virtually nonstop for days. Being able to run 5 miles in 35 minutes in shorts and a tee shirt does little to help with your ability to burst from cover to cover while wearing a combat load. Perhaps you should practice moving fast with heavy weights for short bursts such as weighted sprints with little time for recovery in between. Being able to move from one point to another with weight is cool, but how about being able to move in and out of position fast with and without weight on? Or perhaps moving fast for long distances in different positions with weight? It is simple things like this that are going to condition your body if you make these your workouts rather than pushups, pullups, and bench press. Sure, you won’t look like Rambo afterwards, but your physical abilities will certainly outclass your opponents. Performance is going to do more for you than aesthetics. INDIVIDUAL SKILLS/TRAINING I don’t think I need to spend much time talking about individual skills. But to hit the wave tops, many people that own guns are only slightly better at hitting the broad side of a barn as a Stormtrooper. I am specifically talking about their ability to put accurate rounds on a moving target while they are also on the move and under pressure. Many people out there have been to a training course or two (golf clap), but their performance is still an abortion. Why? Because they haven’t spent more than 30 seconds dry firing in their life, and their idea of practice is going to a static range and bullseye shooting under zero pressure. And to top it all off, many of the armed people out there seem to think that gadgets will make up for their impairments. Sorry, but you can have all the gadgets you want, but without constantly training the mind and the body to shoot right “UNDER FIRE” you are a liability to your community. Good job Billy Bob! Aside from firearms, most people out there have no other prospective weapons to use in a fight except for maybe a knife. Most wouldn’t be able to fight without a weapon or to even improvise a weapon. How about conflict resolution skills, verbal de-escalation skills, emotional intelligence, behavioral profiling? Hmm, there may be a need for skills other than pulling a trigger? Who’da thunk it?! When your only tool is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail. TACTICS, TECHNIQUES, PROCEDURES How much training or experience do you think most people have in working in a team during armed conflict? How about just being able to work with others and organize them…lead them? Not everyone has a Green Beret or a spy’s background where they can recruit locals to do their dirty work or just work with them. It is likely you live in a neighborhood where there are a lot of different personalities and characters that are independent and others that are submissive. In general, I don’t know of many people that know everyone in their neighborhood or even their own neighbors. Heck, I am guilty of that at this moment because most of my neighbors just want to be left alone and are not sociable. Imagine how people will be in a desperate time? Do you have a plan as a Minuteman for things that do not have to do with armed conflict? How about when your neighbors knock on your door and ask for food? Does your Minuteman concept cover you giving your neighbors food? Perhaps they rip off pieces of your fence for firewood? How does a Minuteman handle destruction of property? How about people raiding your garden that you planted for your family? Do Minutemen handle theft? If so, how? How are you going to approach seeing your neighbor’s wife or kid(s) being sexually assaulted, kidnapped, and/or raped? Does your Minuteman concept only begin and end when you get a chance to fight tyranny? If you are going to claim to protect your community, then I hope you have plans and tactics for handling situations that don't necessarily need guns such as vandalism, burglary, petty theft, trespassing, etc. Only being ready to fight against tyranny is quite a niche thing, if not absolutely hypocritical if it means you ignore these other issues. You won't stand for taxation or gun confiscation in your community, but if Joes house gets broken into and his wife gets raped, that's not your problem. Many of the Minuteman advocates promote getting training in conventional fighting techniques. I think this is a bit backwards due to the fact that conventional doctrine is rooted around both having nearly unlimited support/assets, and using overwhelming high volumes of fire to defeat an enemy. As a citizen, your tactical assets and capabilities are on par with that of the Vietcong/Taliban. Learn how to fight dirty and be low key instead of trying to fight with conventional tactics like upright patrolling in gear. It won’t serve you well in the real world, no matter how good it makes you feel on the inside. And NO the saying "We all have to start somewhere" is not a valid excuse to entertain talking about using conventional tactics when you're preparing to fight as a guerilla. If you are training to fight conventionally as a civilian, you are merely LARPing. WRAPUP
It sounds cool to say that you will be the man with the gun who is going to “defend and protect” your community, but in reality, I don’t think most people know what they are in for. Are you going to play “every man for himself” and try to keep people at an arms distance or are you going to stick your neck out and hope it doesn’t get cut off? These are all things that will decide your gear, your training, and even how you live right now. What will you do and how will you deal with the fallout? Every good action has positive and negative consequences as well as intended and unintended consequences. Consider it, and ponder it.
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February 2025