Recently, there was a video posted to YouTube by the channel Invicta that has raised supporting rationale and historical evidence that show that the belief that Sparta was nothing but a band of war-faring fighters is nothing but an example of the most successful propaganda campaign in history. Let us go over some of the claims that historically don’t match up to scrutiny. BRED TO FIGHT? There is a lack of evidence to support the notion that strict eugenics was practiced by the Spartan society. On the contrary, it was encouraged to turn out as many children as possible in order to keep a decent ratio of high-class citizens to the lower/slave class. This would easily suggest that the goal was to breed healthy MALE citizens so they can not only be levied for military service, but rise to higher echelons of government. It is noted in Spartan law that every high-class citizen was to be ready to be called upon for military service at any time. This does not mean they were trained for combat, except in the process of campaign formations and tactical rehearsals. Rather it was drilled into their heads that it was a duty to serve to protect the state, as payment for the free and lavish life of citizenry. However, history shows that Sparta rarely engaged in regular combat other than to slowly grow the empire. They had obvious reservations about sacrificing their high citizenry, which resulted in limited engagements and even dilution of the military levy with lower class, with the promise of a higher status upon honorable completion of service. This promise was often left unfulfilled, only contributing to class division. As the life of Spartan society progressed and the high citizenry dwindled, less citizenry participated in conflict, but rather used the conquered villages to supply troops and fight on the state’s behalf, much like at Thermopylae. There is zero evidence that the Agoge was formed and filled with military lifestyle exposure, or that male citizens spent their lives serving in the military. The Spartan army was like any other societies’ in that it was merely a militia force, though the entire citizen class could be levied for campaign. There is no evidence of military drill, but rather basic calisthenics and lessons of dance and how to be a good citizen per their societal class. If there was considerable military drill, it would have no doubt shown up in peer recordings. This record of military life indoctrination did not get any recording until much later after Thermopylae, in the dying days of Sparta. It is said that Spartan women were much desired and admired through the Mediterranean cultures for their beauty. Of course, females also played a role in society because of the need for numbers, but they were still considered a lower class than men. Women were subject of the lavish life of high citizenry, so naturally they had time to bask in it and work on their looks much like rich Hollywood housewives get Botox and dress in ways that reveal the physical characteristics they maintain. It seems to be a natural desire to maintain and even advance ones looks when in a high status of cultural regard. This also goes into the idea that it was drilled into them from childhood to be desirable, fit, and look high class. Women celebrities often talk of the pressure to stay pretty and look the part, so I imagine it was no different for ancient Spartan women whose duty it was to churn out healthy high-class citizenry. This is just my attempt at rational comparisons and applied logic. THE PROPAGANDA MACHINE Leading the defense against the second Persian invasion was Sparta, though records show that they had limited contribution in manpower compared to other states. The only high-profile military action was at Thermopylae where almost all the Spartans died. However, this was not intended to be a suicide mission and the Spartans were the smallest force in the main fight and in the anomalous last stand. In fact, Leonidas was recorded to have called desperately for reinforcements, thinking they may be able to hold the pass until their imminent arrival. I say anomalous last stand because there is no historical accounts of the Spartan military ever fighting to the death. After the stunning defeat at Thermopylae, the Spartans successfully capitalized on this and guilted the other states into committing more manpower. They argued that they sacrificed their own king and only 300 citizens in “a glorious last stand” against the mighty and ruthless Persian invasion. It was implied that Sparta was the only truly committed state and they sacrificed their obviously superior warriors for the rest of the Mediterranean states. Sadly, since there were no accounts to counter this claim, yet, the neighboring states fell for this and seemed to adopt this notion of Spartan superiority. Because it was claimed, and even rumored that Sparta only sent 300 citizen warriors, Sparta successfully developed this image of them being some kind of warrior class. I am sure it was also the result of the rumor mill that caused the Spartan state to get this high status as a warrior class that carries on today. Unfortunately, when additional accounts of Thermopylae illustrated that the Spartans were no more brave or superior in fighting than the other Greeks, the area was already committed to the propaganda. DOWNFALL IS KEY In the battle of Sphacteria, the Spartan army occupied an island of poor tactical advantage, ultimately being cornered and forced to fight or die. This force was effectively abandoned by the Spartan state, which currently was riding on the notion that they only bred warriors. I can only guess that they were hoping this small force would provide a Thermopylae-esque display to further boost their image. In the end, the Spartan element SURRENDERED and the survivors were paraded through Athens. They were regarded with great wonder and mystique due to their reputation and rumored prowess in war. Athens found them quite lacking in physique and prowess though. The rumor of this Spartan warrior society is further damaged by the fact that the survivors were accepted back in Sparta with zero dishonor from the state for their surrender. The fact that they surrendered, were noted for a lack of aggression or tactical capability, and fight-to-the-death behavior should put to rest the idea that Spartans were some terrific warriors. To anyone with eyes and an ounce of logic, history contradicts this claim in the most staunch and bold manner. But this somehow did not damage the Spartan image. CONTINUED LIES Even after the defeat of Sparta, leading to its downfall and failure in government, people still regarded them with high esteem. Part of this continued delusion was because the Spartans were desperate to preserve their image, even going as far as to change the way they raised their citizenry by adding in some military training and brutality for show. The addition of this treatment is often noted to show a lack of understanding for how to raise not only warriors, but children. The trials and drills often left little value in teaching combat related skills, but focused more on mistreatment to cast an image of animal-like treatment that should result in the children growing to be fierce and fearless. History showed that this failed often, but people refused to believe that Sparta was not what they claimed, for to admit being wrong might result in them being seen as ignorant or gullible. This is really sad and damaging to real history. GOOD OUTCOMES FROM THE LIE It is noted that when people aspire to be, and work to achieve a certain level of excellence, they often will sacrifice much in order to be better. This is a good thing in my opinion, but within reason. Logically this does not mean that we need to subject our kids to brutal upbringings, but rather that a little hardship can tone and firm the body and mind for greater resilience. Also, the military has successfully adopted the idea of never surrendering and have gone to great lengths to implement this idea in recruits. My best example is how the idea of the Spartan Agoge is interpreted and adapted to make up the Marine Corps boot camp. The idea is creating the finest and most disciplined warriors in only 13 weeks. This is the result of much study and trial & error from professionals more versed in human sociology and psychology than myself. However, the outcome has been positive and sadly has further promoted this notion of the Spartan propaganda being more true than false. Despite history showing and telling us otherwise, people still cling to this myth with almost religious fervor. This may not be a bad thing to strive to live up to the Spartan warrior image that has been created. It drives us to fight harder, and is not much different than warriors of old aspiring to be great warriors worthy of regard for their war gods. If people feel they can achieve this mythical greatness, more power to them. People do this often with aspirations such as being as strong and well-rounded as Batman, which is obviously a fictional character. It is the drive to achieve that level of skill or greatness that tends to bring out the best in us sometimes. As long as we know the facts, it is fine to strive for superhuman levels of greatness.
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February 2025