Recently I pulled the trigger on switching to .40 S&W. It actually happened quite fast and I made my first choice on a pistol that fit most, if not all my requirements for a carry gun. Afterall, that was what I was after. It isn't quite perfect, but I think that it will break in just fine and serve me in multiple roles with grace. In this article, my intention is to merely cover the boring facts about the pistol and cover some of the things I have found while breaking it in. First thing to mention here is that Tristar is an importer of the Canik CZ75 clones. There seems to be a solid following behind these pistols, and for good reason. The pistol has a tight fit, a solid finish, and is made to withstand the high pressured .40 S&W. Sure the pistol is a few ounces heavier than the 9mm version, but it is obvious why. The height on this pistol and the barrel length fit what I was looking for. The pistol is about 5.3" tall, which is mostly due to the pinky extension on the magazine. The barrel length is 3.9", which is great for giving me a broad range of hollow point ammunition to choose from. The magazine capacity is 11+1 which is fine, but many people will not like that capacity since you can get a pistol of comparable size with 13 in the magazine. Personally, I am fine with the capacity since the end goal is to get a pistol that fits my needs. And to all those that debate the caliber capacity and argue over shot placement, you are forgetting that the .40 is one of the only calibers that has a high success rate through bone and barriers in the body. As far as the shooting characteristics, this pistol is basically about as gentle as a 9mm+P. Those that argue over the .40 being too snappy and uncontrollable would do well to give this pistol a try. Everything about it is just so simple to shoot. The double action trigger pull is so short that a little pressure completes the rearward travel and breaks the shot. The single action is stupid short and light. Those wondering about any sensation in the pull will find that it has little to no travel and is very crisp. The sights on the pistol are perfectly zeroed for point of aim firing. The sights are kind of small for accurate acquisition, but that is relative to the shooter and the amount of focus they are going to have time to devote at the time of needing to shoot. Most close engagements will involve focusing on the threat, and therefore, the sights will merely require slight focus for proper accountability. Unfortunately I am unaware if this pistol can take CZ aftermarket sights, but that is something I am sure other people can confirm. As far as the reliability of this firearm, I will not discount the fact that this pistol has given me considerable issues with Magtech and S&B ammo. On the other hand, I have found that Remington UMC works perfectly. I am sure that the difference is in the projectile geometry, but still I cannot accept this failure. I will further test ammunition and hope that this is merely a break in issue that has to do with a tight extractor and magazine. The pistol does somewhat give the cuh-clunk feeling when firing dirty now and then, but I will hold off my final impressions and judgement until I test it with my designated carry load. Afterall, practice ammo should not be an ultimate test of reliability. Practice ammo giving malfunctions is good for....PRACTICE, so as long as my carry load runs smooth and sweet, I don't care. A minor annoyance in practice is fine since it is better to bleed in practice than bleed on the streets. So, to wrap up this initial review, I just want to let my readers know that I am going to have this pistol as my designated carry pistol from now on, and will be merely running enough ammo to test the quality of proficiency I have. It is good to test it at least once a week with as much dry practice as possible, so that is my plan. So, leave a comment, like, and stay tuned on my YouTube channel and here, as well as my other social media accounts.
5/21/2018 10:11:34
I had one of these back when they were still being imported as Canik55 by CAI, and found it to shoot better than my "real" CZs. At that point, a lot of the CZ75 parts wouldn't fit, but it didn't need much. The DA trigger was long and REALLY heavy (14+lbs) but that didn't bother me since I carried it cocked and locked. The only thing that I wanted was night sights. The only game in town was CajunGun Works. Since TriStar started importing them, they have been able to take standard CZ parts, including sights. CGW is still the go-to for anything Canik55/TriStar.
Mike J
7/30/2019 09:57:47
I have two of the .40 C100s. Also have a C100 in 9mm. Put Meprolight ML 17775 tritium sights on the 9mm; they work well. I believe they'll work on the .40s, but haven't tried that yet.
7/31/2019 16:22:12
I believe they are the same as well. However, it seems that the .40 caliber model is not popular enough to keep being produced. Rumor has it that the .40 caliber version is getting canned. Byebye spare parts.
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