The M16A2 was the weapon I qualified with in Marine Boot Camp. It was rugged and easy to use. When I was in the Fleet, I mainly had an M16A4 which weighed as much as my Tavor7 after being all decked out with sight, light, laser system, sling, grip pod, and cleaning kit in the stock. Recently I bought the 20” PSA15 (Palmetto State Armory) with the old school sight system, handguards, and Mil-Spec everything. I wanted to take a few moments to look at the concept of the M16 platform (A1, A2, A3, A4) and why I even bothered going with this type of system over the venerable and much loved M4 style (16”) rifle. NOT WHAT I ORIGINALLY WANTED Would it sound odd that this rifle isn’t the rifle I originally wanted? I originally spent a long time wanting an M16A2 clone that didn’t cost a grand or more. I wanted that built in carry handle sight system and all. I actually was considering getting the Brownells Retro M16A1 because of my love for the triangular handguards and old design that my uncle used in the early 80’s. Yeah, I am a simp for history and the old school designs. But, I feel like this design will help me do more in the long run. I never pulled the trigger on the Retro series (no pun intended) because I was against spending a load of money on a nostalgic piece. I used to collect, but I have thinned out my collection to only that which is practical. That means most every gun has a specific mission and MUST be used. Things change, I guess. IDEAL BALLISTICS & FUNCTION I have heard some AR15 afficionados talk about how the M16 is the perfect rifle because it is the ORIGINAL barrel length the 5.56 was designed around. I suppose that makes sense, and it shows in ballistics tests. Since the GWOT, the 5.56 has gained a reputation as being somewhat anemic. Some people really advocate for 300 Blackout while other argue for a 6.8 variety. It can be easy to get lost in the ballistics section of gun-talk, but all I know is I have seen the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of well placed 5.56 on a human body. Personally, I would use the old reliable 7.62/.308 if I had a choice, but sometimes, the mission cannot support my desired bullet loading. In this case, I will default to what I know for a fact will deliver my lethal payload to my target with speed, precision, and reliability. To touch on the reliability part of the M16 vs M4 debate; I never truly remember one performing better than the other in terms of malfunction reduction. I suppose it can be argued that the gas system for the M16 is more in line with the 5.56 design and therefore SHOULD function longer and smoother. I certainly notice that the M16 has a lower recoil impulse compared to the M4 style rifles, but the difference is honestly minuscule and even depends on weapon accessories and attachments. NOSTALGIA & REDEMPTION I am not much of a romantic or nostalgic person, but I do for some reason feel like my love/hate relationship with the M16 was riddled with unfinished business. My current setup is still in flux and WILL change with time, but the idea is to use the system once again and see if I can improve my ability to use this type of long rifle. I’ve never been a big guy, so the M16 has always been a bit big for me to handle, particularly when it had the heavy Knights Armament D5 rail and all the attachments. Instead of writing off the system because of my issued M16A4 being so heavy, I want to see if I can optimize it and tweak it, using my current knowledge and experiences. And yes, it feels nice to have something similar to my old war horse back in my hands. LARPING & ENTER[TRAIN]MENT Yup, and sometimes it is just fun to gear up and play in the woods. Pretend you are on a patrol in MACV-SOG or on an SAS jungle ambush. Whatever floats your boat at the time. Sure, it is somewhat childish, but it isn’t illegal. I have the time to have some fun, and that is what I intend to do now and again. Plus, as I am getting training with this rifle system, what is the harm in being thoroughly entertained in the process? None, I say. It is the same reason people buy the old style 1911s or M1A rifles. You may intend to train on it, but it will also be entertaining to feel your piece speak to you through recoil and handling. FOR THE AUDIENCE Okay, I will be honest and say that at least part of me got this because it will allow me to cover topics that will get my channel and blog more hits. I’m a content creator and I like to spread the word on my findings, so what? With that said, I am not looking at doing click bait, but rather to have the opportunity to finally discuss certain AR15 topics I previously haven’t been able to discuss due to NOT HAVING ONE. It doesn’t contribute to my credibility if I use a Steyr AUG or some other bullpup as a prop to discuss AR15 specific matters. PROJECT M16
I am not going to try to puff myself up and say that I always have good reasons for all my purchases. I have spent tens of thousands of Dollars on junk gear and guns I knew I would hate. I further spent thousands of dollars on ammo to put through those junk guns just to have the experience. This M16 project is not going to be a repeat of junk purchases. I have a goal in mind and a long-term future laid out for this rifle. I want to know if you have any ideas for article topics for the M16. I can cover history, how-to's, etc. Just let me know and I will see what I can do.
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February 2025