Recently, Zenith Firearms shifted their focus away from importing firearms into the US from Turkey. Now they are looking at concentrating solely on the roller-delayed blowback market. This is their choice, of course, but I feel that the market may be losing a set of good and reliable firearms. Turkey has a good reputation for manufacturing some of the most badass weaponry. Previously, Zenith was bringing in a huge assortment of pistols, rifles, and shotguns at very competitive prices. They even imported very high quality and affordable ammunition from Turkey and Israel. I am unsure of what they intend to do about the importation of ammunition, but I hope they continue it.
I am kind of bummed about them not selling their pistols anymore, but I understand that there just wasn't enough interest or profit in these guns to justify the lengthy and burdensome supply chain. I was really looking forward to the PX9 to come to market since it seemed to be a reverse engineered Springfield XD9. I like the HS2000 but I am not sure that I would like to buy a pistol that was manufactured and then stamped with Springfield Armory on the slide. Anyways, It would seem that access to the pistols that Zenith sold may no longer exist. It is possible that the pistols that Turkey manufactures may never make their way to the US in large numbers in the near future. The only thing that would change that is if a company were to take over what Zenith was doing. But again, the problem is that the American market was not all that interested in the Turkish pistol selection. The reasons people didn't have much interest in the pistols was because the pistols lacked preferred capacity, seemed like a copy of a more popular pistol, and people are not very familiar with the general quality of firearms made in Turkey. Whether these reasons are good or bad, I feel that Zenith did not give the market time to appreciate what they were offering. They made the decision to stop importation when things were calm in the gun market, just before it got stirred up by another tragedy. Whatever Zenith chooses to do, I feel that they will do a good job. After getting to experience the quality of Turkish pistols, I became a bit of a fan of them. I just feel like there was a potential there and now it is gone before it even had a chance to be fully realized. Comments are closed.
February 2025