That is not to say that companies do not have a few pistols to offer the world market, but in general, you are not going to see many good options in the realm of single stack pistols or really deep concealment options. This could have to do with the fact that most countries have restrictions on certain pistols that are too small, and they figure it is best to manufacture pistols that can satisfy as many potential buyers as possible.
The reports on the trials have yet to be released, but the SAR9 was supposedly awarded an NSN from the tests and it is boasted that their pistol withstood 90,000 rounds in a burnout test to see where the pistol would actually fail at. If this is true, this pistol is the toughest and most reliable pistol I know of. And, if this claim turns out to be true, I think that this pistol may change the mind of people who think the pistols made in turkey are not made to seriously compete with other popular pistols.